Lewiston Pistol Club

In addition to the activities listed above, the club organizes the following: 
  •  Winter Bull's-eye competition in the Spokesman Review Postal Match. First targets must be fired the weekend before Christmas.
  •  Cowboy action competition on the third Saturday of every month. 
  •  Firearm safety and shooting classes from NRA certified instructors.
  •  Club meetings are held quarterly at the Bernie Peterson Memorial Range classroom at 6:00 PM. See the calendar page for the dates!
  •  Boomershoot! This is a long-range precision rifle shooting event with targets made of high explosives.
The Lewiston Pistol Club actively participates in most common disciplines of shooting. We have a variety of highly skilled and knowledgeable members who are more than willing to share their abilities. If you are interested in firearms, contact the club and come shoot with shooters.

The Lewiston Pistol Club is not currently accepting new members

Existing Member Re-Registration

Existing and former club members, fill out the application and mail it to the club with your membership fee. Our mailing address and membership fees are on the application. Contact Erik Peterson for more information.


The Lewiston Pistol Club teaches the NRA Home Firearm Safety and Basic Pistol classes. Either of these classes will qualify you for an Idaho License to carry a concealed weapon. Contact the Lewiston Pistol Club instructors for the next class date.

Washington State 1639 Training

The following PSA has been provided by the LPC Training and Safety Officer:

As of July 1, anyone buying a semi-auto rifle in Washington State, (yes even a .22,) must attest to having had specific training. That training is poorly defined and fairly dumb, but it is required. By reading through the contents of this web site you can obtain the required training and will also receive a certificate. This does (as far as I can tell) meet all the requirements and even throws in some interesting optional materials. I encourage anyone thinking of purchasing a semi-auto rifle in the communist state of Washington to complete this on line course. And yes, it is short and easy.

Email: webmaster@lewistonpistol.org  
copyright Lewiston Pistol Club 2025 all rights reserved