This range is situated on private land, is gated, and use is restricted to members and guests. These
restrictions are necessary for reasons related to safety and liability. During scheduled matches the range is closed for
general use. Matches usually are finished by early afternoon, and the range is available for general use
after that. Please note that we currently do not have a rifle range.
All shooting must be confined to the bays (20 yards maximum). We had some work done on the range in August 2012.
Lat: 46° 38' 10.86" N
Long: 116° 50' 16.36" W
The range is located on Lenville Road, south of Moscow: From Moscow, take
Highway 8 east past the Eastside Marketplace, past the cemetery on the north
side of the road. Lenville is the first crossroad after the cemetery. Take
Lenville Road south; when it forks, follow it to the left and go over the saddle
between Paradise Ridge and Tomer Butte. Follow Lenville until the pavement runs
out (about 8-10 miles south of Highway 8), and keep going on the main gravel
road about another 2.3 miles. Go past the first house on the right, around a
couple more curves, and you will see another house on a hill on the left. The
range is situated on Schoolhouse Flat about 3/8 mile south of the house.
You will see a rock outcropping that comes almost to the road on the left and a
"One Lane Bridge" sign on the right; look for the driveway with a
yellow gate on the left. The gate can be opened with the key issued to members.

On the left is the rock outcropping as seen while driving SE on Lenville road.
Go north on US95 to the Genesee turnoff. Go thru town to
the as side of town. Turn left (north) on Cedar street. At the north
end of town, on Cedar, the road takes a "Y". Take the north
fork of the "Y". This is Old Highway 95 but there may not be a
sign visible. If you get to a Wilbur-Ellis or McGregor plant you have
missed the turn on to Old Highway 95. Go North on 95 to Jenkins road, and
turn right (East) for a very short distance. Then turn left (North) on
Magee Road. Follow Magee Road Northeast to a 'T" at a group of of
grain bins. Turn left (north) on Lenville Road. The range is about
1/4 mile North on the the right (east) side of the road. There is a tree
that blocks the view of the gate until you are right up to it. The
gate can be opened with the key issued to members.

This is the gate to the range. You must be a member to get a key.
This is 2.3 miles past the end of the gravel on your left as you drive south on Lenville.

Cowboy Action Bay (first bay), Aug 2012

First upper bay, Aug 2012

Second Upper Bay, Aug 2012